IT Info/IoT
피바로 홈센터3 - Zigbee2MQTT 리뉴얼
2020. 9. 12. 14:20
Zigbee2MQTT 연동을 위한 앱을 완전히 리뉴얼했다.
1. A/S 0
2. 아주 쉬운 사용
1. 매우 직관적임
2. 기기 추가, 삭제가 쉬움
3. 리모컨 등의 적용이 쉬움.
4. 리모컨을 씬(Scene)에서도 사용할 수 있음.
현재 20-09-12 기준
_app = {
name = "Zigbee2MQTT",
version = "6.0",
updated = "2020-09-10",
지원하는 기기목록은 Zigbee2MQTT에서 지원하는 모든 기기(단 climate 제외)
-- Somgoms
["ZSTY-SM-11ZG-US-W"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Somgoms 1 gang switch (on/off)
["GR-ZB01-W"] = {cover={"position"}}, --AXIS Gear window shade motor (open, close, position, battery)
-- AduroSmart
["81809/81813"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --AduroSmart ERIA colors and white shades smart light bulb A19/BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["81825"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --AduroSmart ERIA smart wireless dimming switch (on, off, up, down)
-- Airam
["4713407"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Airam LED OP A60 ZB 9W/827 E27 (on/off, brightness)
["4713406"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Airam GU10 spot 4.8W 2700K 385lm (on/off, brightness)
-- Ajax Online
["Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Ajax Online LED Strip (on/off, brightness, color xy)
-- Anchor
["67200BL"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Anchor Vetaar smart plug (on/off)
-- Aurora Lighting
["AU-A1GUZBCX5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne 5.4W smart tuneable GU10 lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AU-A1GUZB5/30"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne 4.8W smart dimmable GU10 lamp 3000K (on/off, brightness)
["AU-A1GUZBRGBW"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne 5.6w smart RGBW tuneable GU10 lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AU-A1GSZ9RGBW"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne 9.5W smart RGBW GLS E27/B22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AU-A1ZBRC"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne smart remote (action)
["AU-A1ZBPIRS"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"illuminance_lux"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne PIR sensor (occupancy)
["AU-A1ZBPIAB"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Aurora Lighting Power plug Zigbee EU (on/off, power measurements)
["AU-A1ZBDWS"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Aurora Lighting Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact)
["AU-A1ZB2WDM"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Aurora Lighting AOne 250W smart rotary dimmer module (on/off, brightness)
-- BTicino
["K4003C/L4003C/N4003C/NT4003C"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --BTicino Light switch with neutral (on/off, led color)
-- Bandi
["BDS03G1"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Bandi 1 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0001) (on/off)
-- Belkin
["F7C033"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Belkin WeMo smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- Binthen
["BCM100D"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Binthen Curtain motor (white-label of TuYa TS0601_curtain) (open, close, stop, position)
-- Bitron
["AV2010/34"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Bitron 4-Touch single click buttons (click, action)
["AV2010/22"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Bitron Wireless motion detector (occupancy)
["AV2010/22A"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Bitron Wireless motion detector (occupancy)
["AV2010/25"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Bitron Video wireless socket (on/off, power measurement)
["AV2010/21A"] = {binary_sensor={"contact","tamper"}}, --Bitron Compact magnetic contact sensor (contact, tamper)
["AV2010/24A"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke","tamper"}}, --Bitron Optical smoke detector (hardware version v2) (smoke, tamper and battery)
["902010/24"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke","tamper"}}, --Bitron Optical smoke detector (hardware version v1) (smoke, tamper and battery)
-- Blaupunkt
["SCM-S1"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Blaupunkt Roller shutter (open/close)
["PSM-S1"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Blaupunkt Power plug (white-label of Climax PSM-29ZBSR) (on/off, power measurement)
-- BlitzWolf
["BW-IS2"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --BlitzWolf Rechargeable Zigbee contact sensor (contact)
["BW-IS3"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --BlitzWolf Rechargeable Zigbee PIR motion sensor (occupancy)
["BW-SHP13"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --BlitzWolf 10A UK or 16A EU smart plug (white-label of TuYa TS0121_plug) (on/off)
-- Bosch
["RADON TriTech ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Bosch Wireless motion detector (occupancy and temperature)
["ISW-ZPR1-WP13"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Bosch Motion sensor (occupancy and temperature)
-- Busch-Jaeger
["6717-84"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Busch-Jaeger Adaptor plug (on/off)
["6735/6736/6737"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --Busch-Jaeger Zigbee Light Link power supply/relay/dimmer (on/off and level control for 6715)
-- CR Smart Home
["TS0202"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --CR Smart Home Motion sensor (occupancy)
["TS0203"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --CR Smart Home Door sensor (contact)
["TS0204"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --CR Smart Home Gas sensor (gas)
["TS0205"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"}}, --CR Smart Home Smoke sensor (smoke)
["TS0111"] = {switch={"state"}}, --CR Smart Home Socket (on/off)
["TS0207"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --CR Smart Home Water leak detector (water leak)
["TS0218"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --CR Smart Home Button (click)
["TS0001"] = {switch={"state"}}, --CR Smart Home Valve control (white-label of TuYa TS0001) (on/off)
["B00TN589ZG"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --CREE Connected bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- Calex
["421786"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Calex LED A60 Zigbee GLS-lamp (on/off, brightness)
["421792"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Calex LED A60 Zigbee RGB lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- CentraLite
["3400-D"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --CentraLite 3-Series security keypad (action, arm)
-- Centralite
["4256251-RZHAC"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Centralite White Swiss power outlet switch with power meter (switch and power meter)
["4257050-ZHAC"] = {sensor={"power"},light={"brightness"}}, --Centralite 3-Series smart dimming outlet (on/off, brightness, power measurement)
["4257050-RZHAC"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Centralite 3-Series smart outlet (on/off, power measurement)
["3323-G"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Centralite Micro-door sensor (contact, temperature)
["3420-G"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Centralite 3-Series night light repeater (on/off, brightness)
-- Climax
["PSS-23ZBS"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Climax Power plug (on/off)
["SCM-5ZBS"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Climax Roller shutter (open/close)
["PSM-29ZBSR"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Climax Power plug (on/off, power measurement)
["RS-23ZBS"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Climax Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature, humidity)
-- Commercial Electric
["53170161"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Commercial Electric Matte White Recessed Retrofit Smart Led Downlight - 4 Inch (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Custom devices (DiY)
["ptvo.switch"] = {sensor={"click","temperature","humidity","action"},switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4","state_l5","state_l6","state_l7","state_l8"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) Multi-channel relay switch (hold, single, double and triple click, on/off, type, rssi)
["DNCKATSD001"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) DNCKAT single key wired wall dimmable light switch (on/off, brightness)
["DNCKATSW001"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) DNCKAT single key wired wall light switch (on/off)
["DNCKATSW002"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) DNCKAT double key wired wall light switch (hold/release, on/off)
["DNCKATSW003"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right","state_center"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) DNCKAT triple key wired wall light switch (hold/release, on/off)
["DNCKATSW004"] = {switch={"state_bottom_left","state_bottom_right","state_top_left","state_top_right"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) DNCKAT quadruple key wired wall light switch (hold/release, on/off)
["ZigUP"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) CC2530 based ZigBee relais, switch, sensor and router (relais, RGB-stripe, sensors, S0-counter, ADC, digital I/O)
["ZWallRemote0"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Custom devices (DiY) Matts Wall Switch Remote (on/off)
["DIYRuZ_R4_5"] = {switch={"state_bottom_left","state_bottom_right","state_top_left","state_top_right","state_center"}}, --DIYRuZ DiY 4 Relays + 4 switches + 1 buzzer (on/off)
["DIYRuZ_magnet"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --DIYRuZ DIYRuZ contact sensor (contact)
["DIYRuZ_rspm"] = {sensor={"action","power"},switch={"state"}}, --DIYRuZ DIYRuZ relay switch power meter (relay, switch, adc)
["DIYRuZ_FreePad"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --DIYRuZ DiY 8/12/20 button keypad (single, double, triple, quadruple, many, hold/release)
["DIYRuZ_Geiger"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --DIYRuZ DiY Geiger counter (radioactive pulses perminute)
["DIYRuZ_R8_8"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4","state_l5","state_l6","state_l7","state_l8"}}, --DIYRuZ DiY 8 Relays + 8 switches (on/off)
["DIYRuZ_RT"] = {sensor={"temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --DIYRuZ DiY CC2530 Zigbee 3.0 firmware (on/off, temperature)
-- Danalock
["V3-BTZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Danalock BT/ZB smartlock (lock/unlock, battery)
-- Dawon DNS
["PM-C140-ZB"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT remote control smart buried-type outlet (on/off, power and energy measurement)
["PM-B530-ZB"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart plug 16A (on/off, power and energy measurement)
["PM-B540-ZB"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart plug 16A (on/off, power and energy measurement)
["PM-B430-ZB"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart plug 10A (on/off, power and energy measurement)
["PM-S140-ZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 1 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["PM-S240-ZB"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 2 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["PM-S340-ZB"] = {switch={"state_top","state_center","state_bottom"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 3 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["PM-S140R-ZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 1 gang router without neutral wire (on/off)
["PM-S240R-ZB"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 2 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["PM-S340R-ZB"] = {switch={"state_top","state_center","state_bottom"}}, --Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 3 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
-- Develco
["EMIZB-132"] = {sensor={"power"}}, --Develco Wattle AMS HAN power-meter sensor (power measurements)
["SMSZB-120"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Develco Smoke detector with siren (smoke, warning, temperature)
["MOSZB-130"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Develco Motion sensor (occupancy)
-- Dresden Elektronik
["Mega23M12"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Dresden Elektronik ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["XVV-Mega23M12"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Dresden Elektronik ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast color temperature (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- EDP
["PLUG EDP RE:DY"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --EDP re:dy plug (on/off, power measurement)
["SWITCH EDP RE:DY"] = {switch={"state"}}, --EDP re:dy switch (on/off)
["316GLEDRF"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --ELKO ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
-- EchoStar
["SAGE206612"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --EchoStar SAGE by Hughes doorbell sensor (action)
-- EcoDim
["Eco-Dim.07"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --EcoDim Zigbee & Z-wave dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["ED-10011"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --EcoDim Zigbee 4 button wall switch (action)
["ED-10012"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --EcoDim Zigbee 2 button wall switch (action)
-- EcoSmart
["A9A19A60WESDZ02"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --EcoSmart Tuneable white (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["A9BR3065WESDZ02"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --EcoSmart Tuneable white (BR30) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["D1821"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --EcoSmart A19 RGB bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["D1531"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --EcoSmart A19 bright white bulb (on/off, brightness)
["D1532"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --EcoSmart A19 soft white bulb (on/off, brightness)
["D1542"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --EcoSmart GU10 adjustable white bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["D1533"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --EcoSmart PAR20 bright white bulb (on/off, brightness)
["D1523"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --EcoSmart A19 soft white bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- EnOcean
["EWSxZG"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --EnOcean Easyfit 1 or 2 gang switch (white-label of GreenPower GreenPower_7) (action)
-- Enbrighten
["43076"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Enbrighten Zigbee in-wall smart switch (on/off)
["43080"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Enbrighten Zigbee in-wall smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["43102"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Enbrighten Zigbee in-wall outlet (on/off)
["43100"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Enbrighten Plug-in Zigbee outdoor smart switch (on/off)
-- Feibit
["TZSW22FW-L4"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Feibit Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["SBM01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Feibit Human body movement sensor (occupancy, tamper)
["STH01ZB"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Feibit Smart temperature & humidity Sensor (temperature, humidity)
["SSA01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"}}, --Feibit Smoke detector (smoke)
["SCA01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"carbon_monoxide"}}, --Feibit Smart carbon monoxide sensor (carbon monoxide)
["SGA01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --Feibit Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["SWA01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Feibit Water leakage sensor (water leak)
["SDM01ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Feibit Door or window contact switch (contact)
["SFS01ZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Feibit Power plug (on/off)
["SLS301ZB_2"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Feibit Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["SLS301ZB_3"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right","state_center"}}, --Feibit Smart light switch - 3 gang (on/off)
["SSS401ZB"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --Feibit Smart 4 key scene wall switch (on/off, action)
-- Ferguson
["TH-T_V14"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Ferguson Smart temperature & humidity Sensor (white-label of HEIMAN HS1HT) (temperature and humidity)
-- GE
["PSB19-SW27"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --GE Link smart LED light bulb, A19 soft white (2700K) (on/off, brightness)
["22670"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --GE Link smart LED light bulb, A19/BR30 soft white (2700K) (on/off, brightness)
["PQC19-DY01"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --GE Link smart LED light bulb, A19/BR30 cold white (5000K) (on/off, brightness)
["45852GE"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --GE ZigBee plug-in smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["45853GE"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --GE Plug-in smart switch (on/off, power measurement)
["45856GE"] = {switch={"state"}}, --GE In-wall smart switch (on/off)
["45857GE"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --GE ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["PTAPT-WH02"] = {switch={"state"}}, --GE Quirky smart switch (on/off)
-- GMY Smart Bulb
["B07KG5KF5R"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --GMY Smart Bulb GMY Smart bulb, 470lm, vintage dimmable, 2700-6500k, E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- GS
["BDHM8E27W70-I1"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --GS Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Gewiss
["GWA1521"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Gewiss Switch actuator 1 channel with input (on/off)
["GWA1522"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Gewiss Switch actuator 2 channels with input (on/off)
["GWA1531"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Gewiss Shutter actuator (on/off)
-- Gira
["2430-100"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Gira ZigBee Light Link wall transmitter (white-label of Insta InstaRemote) (action)
-- Gledopto
["GL-C-006"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller WW/CW (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["GL-C-007-1ID"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGBW (1 ID) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-C-007-2ID"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGBW (2 ID) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-S-004ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee smart RGB+CCT 4W MR16 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-C-007S"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGBW plus model (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["GL-C-008-2ID"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT (2 ID) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-C-008-1ID"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT (1 ID) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-C-008S"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT plus model (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-C-009"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED controller dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["GL-MC-001"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee USB mini LED controller RGB + CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-S-004Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee Smart WW/CW GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["GL-S-007Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart RGB+CCT 5W GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-S-007ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart RGB+CCT 4W GU10 plus model (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-S-008Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Soposh dual white and color (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-001Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart 4W E14 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-001ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart 4W E14 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-G-001Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart garden lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-G-007Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart garden lamp 9W RGB / CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-007Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-007ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart+ 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-008Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart 12W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-B-008ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart 12W E27 RGB / CW LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-D-003Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-D-004Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-D-004ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight plus version 9W (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-D-005Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-D-005ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-S-003Z"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart RGBW GU10 (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["GL-S-005Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart RGBW MR16 (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["GD-CZ-006"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee LED Driver (on/off, brightness)
["GL-FL-004TZ"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee 10W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-FL-004TZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee 10W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-FL-005TZ"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee 30W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-FL-006TZ"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee 60W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-FL-006TZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee 60W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["GL-W-001Z"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Gledopto Zigbee ON/OFF Wall Switch (on/off)
["GL-D-003ZS"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Gledopto Smart+ 6W LED spot (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- GreenPower
["GreenPower_On_Off_Switch"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --GreenPower On/off switch (action)
["GreenPower_7"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --GreenPower device 7 (action)
["HS1CA-M"] = {binary_sensor={"carbon_monoxide"}}, --HEIMAN Smart carbon monoxide sensor (carbon monoxide)
["HS3MS"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --HEIMAN Smart motion sensor (occupancy)
["HS2SK"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --HEIMAN Smart metering plug (on/off, power measurement)
["HS1SA-M"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"}}, --HEIMAN Smoke detector (smoke)
["HS3SA"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"}}, --HEIMAN Smoke detector (smoke)
["HS3CG"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["HS1CG-M"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["HS1CG_M"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["HS1DS/HS3DS"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --HEIMAN Door sensor (contact)
["HEIMAN-M1"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --HEIMAN Door sensor (contact)
["HS1DS-E"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --HEIMAN Door sensor (contact)
["HS1WL/HS3WL"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak)
["HS1-WL-E"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak)
["HS1CA-E"] = {binary_sensor={"carbon_monoxide"}}, --HEIMAN Smart carbon monoxide sensor (carbon monoxide)
["SOHM-I1"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --HEIMAN Door contact sensor (contact)
["SWHM-I1"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak)
["SMHM-I1"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --HEIMAN Smart motion sensor (occupancy)
["HS1HT"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --HEIMAN Smart temperature & humidity Sensor (temperature and humidity)
["SKHMP30-I1"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --HEIMAN Smart metering plug (on/off, power measurement)
["HS2ESK-E"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --HEIMAN Smart in wall plug (on/off, power measurement)
["SGMHM-I1"] = {binary_sensor={"gas","tamper"}}, --HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["STHM-I1H"] = {sensor={"humidity","temperature"}}, --HEIMAN Heiman temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["HS1EB"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --HEIMAN Smart emergency button (click)
["HS1CG-E"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas)
["HS2SW1A-N"] = {switch={"state"}}, --HEIMAN Smart switch - 1 gang with neutral wire (on/off)
["HS2SW2A-N"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --HEIMAN Smart switch - 2 gang with neutral wire (on/off)
["HS2SW3A-N"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right","state_center"}}, --HEIMAN Smart switch - 3 gang with neutral wire (on/off)
["10011725"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --HORNBACH FLAIR Viyu Smarte LED bulb RGB E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Hampton Bay
["99432"] = {switch={"fan_state"},light={"brightness"}}, --Hampton Bay Universal wink enabled white ceiling fan premier remote control (on/off, brightness, fan_mode and fan_state)
["54668161"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Hampton Bay 12 in. LED smart puff (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Hej
["GLSK3ZB-1711"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Hej Goqual 1 gang Switch (on/off)
["GLSK3ZB-1712"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Hej Goqual 2 gang Switch (on/off)
["GLSK3ZB-1713"] = {switch={"state_top","state_center","state_bottom"}}, --Hej Goqual 3 gang Switch (on/off)
["GLSK6ZB-1714"] = {switch={"state_top_left","state_bottom_left","state_top_right","state_bottom_right"}}, --Hej Goqual 4 gang Switch (on/off)
["GLSK6ZB-1715"] = {switch={"state_top_left","state_center_left","state_bottom_left","state_top_right","state_bottom_right"}}, --Hej Goqual 5 gang Switch (on/off)
["GLSK6ZB-1716"] = {switch={"state_top_left","state_center_left","state_bottom_left","state_top_right","state_center_right","state_bottom_right"}}, --Hej Goqual 6 gang Switch (on/off)
-- Hive
["MOT003"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Hive Motion sensor (occupancy, temperature, battery)
["DWS003"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Hive Contact sensor (contact, temperature, battery)
["HALIGHTDIMWWE27"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Hive Active smart bulb white LED (E27) (on/off, brightness)
["HALIGHTDIMWWE14"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Hive Active smart bulb white LED (E14) (on/off, brightness)
["HALIGHTDIMWWB22"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Hive Active smart bulb white LED (B22) (on/off, brightness)
["1613V"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Hive Active plug (on/off, power measurement)
["HV-GSCXZB269"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Hive Active light cool to warm white (E26) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Hive Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["HV-GUCXZB5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Hive Active light, warm to cool white (GU10) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Honyar
["U86K31ND6"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right","state_center"}}, --Honyar 3 gang switch (on/off)
["LED1545G12"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1546G12"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 950 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1623G12"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness)
["LED1537R6/LED1739R5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1650R5"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["LED1536G5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1903C5/LED1835C6"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI bulb E14 WS 470 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1837R5"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["LED1842G3"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 WW clear 250 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["LED1733G7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E14 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1622G12"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness)
["LED1624G9"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E14/E26/E27 600 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["LED1649C5"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14/E17 400 lumen, dimmable warm white, chandelier opal (on/off, brightness)
["LED1732G11"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1836G9"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 806 lumen, dimmable, warm white (on/off, brightness)
["LED1736G9"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 806 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["T1820"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA LEPTITER Recessed spot light, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ICTC-G-1"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI wireless dimmer (brightness [0-255] (quick rotate for instant 0/255), action)
["ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI driver for wireless control (10 watt) (on/off, brightness)
["ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI driver for wireless control (30 watt) (on/off, brightness)
["L1527"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x30 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["L1529"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (60x60 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["L1528"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x90 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["L1531"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA SURTE door light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (38x64 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["E1603/E1702"] = {switch={"state"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI control outlet (on/off)
["E1524/E1810"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI remote control (toggle, arrow left/right click/hold/release, brightness up/down click/hold/release)
["E1743"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI ON/OFF switch (on, off, brightness up/down/stop)
["E1744"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --IKEA SYMFONISK sound controller (volume up/down, play/pause, skip forward/backward)
["E1525/E1745"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI motion sensor (occupancy)
["E1757"] = {cover={"position"}}, --IKEA FYRTUR roller blind (open, close, stop, position)
["E1926"] = {cover={"position"}}, --IKEA KADRILJ roller blind (open, close, stop, position)
["E1766"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI open/close remote (click, action)
["T1828"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA GUNNARP panel round (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["T1829"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA GUNNARP panel 40*40 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LED1738G7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Iluminize
["511.10"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee LED-Controller (on/off, brightness)
["511.201"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Iluminize ZigBee 3.0 Dimm-Aktor mini 1x 230V (on/off, brightness)
["511.010"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee LED-Controller (on/off, brightness)
["511.012"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee LED-Controller (on/off, brightness)
["511.202"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee 3.0 Schalt-Aktor mini 1x230V, 200W/400W (on/off)
["511.557"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee 3.0 wall dimmer (action)
["511.040"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Iluminize ZigBee 3.0 LED-controller, 4 channel 5A, RGBW LED (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["511.344"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Iluminize Zigbee handheld remote RGBW 4 channels (action)
-- Immax
["07005B"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Immax Neo SMART LED E14 5W warm white, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness)
["07004D"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Immax Neo SMART LED E27 8,5W color, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["07008L"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Immax Neo SMART LED strip RGB + CCT, color, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["07046L"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Immax 4-Touch single click buttons (action)
["07045L"] = {binary_sensor={"contact","tamper"}}, --Immax Magnetic contact sensor (contact, tamper)
["07048L"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Immax NEO SMART plug (on/off, power and energy measurement)
["07115L"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Immax Neo SMART LED E27 9W RGB + CCT, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Innr
["FL 130 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr Color Flex LED strip (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["FL 120 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr Color Flex LED strip (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["BF 263"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr B22 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["RB 185 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr E27 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["BY 185 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr B22 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["RB 250 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr E14 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["RB 265"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness)
["RF 265"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 bulb filament clear (on/off, brightness)
["RB 278 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr Smart bulb tunable white E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RB 285 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr E27 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["BY 285 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr B22 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["RB 165"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness)
["RB 162"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness)
["RB 175 W"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 bulb warm dimming (on/off, brightness)
["RB 178 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr Smart bulb tunable white E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["BY 178 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr Smart bulb tunable white B22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RS 122"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr GU10 spot (on/off, brightness)
["RS 125"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr GU10 spot (on/off, brightness)
["RS 225"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr GU10 Spot (on/off, brightness)
["RS 128 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RS 228 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RS 229 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RS 230 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["RB 145"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E14 candle (on/off, brightness)
["RB 245"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E14 candle (on/off, brightness)
["RB 248 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr E14 candle with white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RB 148 T"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Innr E14 candle with white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["RF 261"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["RF 263"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["RF 264"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E27 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["BY 165"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr B22 bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["PL 110"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Puck Light (on/off, brightness)
["ST 110"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Strip Light (on/off, brightness)
["UC 110"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Under cabinet light (on/off, brightness)
["DL 110 N"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Spot narrow (on/off, brightness)
["DL 110 W"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Spot wide (on/off, brightness)
["SL 110 N"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Spot Flex narrow (on/off, brightness)
["SL 110 M"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Spot Flex medium (on/off, brightness)
["SL 110 W"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr Spot Flex wide (on/off, brightness)
["AE 260"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E26/24 bulb (on/off, brightness)
["AE 280 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr E26 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["SP 120"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Innr Smart plug (on/off, power measurement)
["SP 220"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Innr Smart plug (on/off)
["SP 222"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Innr Smart plug (on/off)
["SP 224"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Innr Smart plug (on/off)
["OFL 120 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr Outdoor flex light colour LED strip 2m, 550lm, RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["OFL 140 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr Outdoor flex light colour LED strip 4m, 1000lm, RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["OSL 130 C"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Innr Outdoor smart spot colour, 230lm/spot, RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["BE 220"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Innr E26/E24 white bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- Insta
["InstaRemote"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Insta ZigBee Light Link wall transmitter (action)
-- Iris
["3210-L"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Iris Smart plug (on/off, power measurement)
["3326-L"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Iris Motion and temperature sensor (occupancy and temperature)
["3320-L"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Iris Contact and temperature sensor (contact and temperature)
["3460-L"] = {sensor={"action","temperature"}}, --Iris Smart button (action, temperature)
["iL07_1"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy","tamper"}}, --Iris Motion Sensor (motion, tamper and battery)
["27087-03"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Iris Hose faucet water timer (on/off)
["K2RGBW01"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --JIAWEN Wireless Bulb E27 9W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Jung
["ZLLxx5004M"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Jung ZigBee Light Link wall transmitter (white-label of Insta InstaRemote) (action)
["KMPCIL_RES005"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature","humidity","illuminance_lux"},switch={"state"}}, --KMPCIL Environment sensor (battery, temperature, humidity, pressure, illuminance, occupancy, switch)
-- Keen Home
["SV01"] = {sensor={"temperature"},cover={"position"}}, --Keen Home Smart vent (open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery)
["SV02"] = {sensor={"temperature"},cover={"position"}}, --Keen Home Smart vent (open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery)
-- Konke
["2AJZ4KPKEY"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Konke Multi-function button (single, double and long click)
["2AJZ4KPBS"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Konke Motion sensor (occupancy)
["2AJZ4KPFT"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Konke Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["2AJZ4KPDR"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Konke Contact sensor (contact)
["LH07321"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Konke Water detector (water_leak)
-- Ksentry Electronics
["KS-SM001"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Ksentry Electronics Zigbee OnOff Controller (on/off)
-- Kwikset
["66492-001"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Kwikset Home connect smart lock conversion kit (lock/unlock, battery)
["99140-002"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Kwikset SmartCode traditional electronic deadbolt (lock/unlock, battery)
["99100-006"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Kwikset 910 SmartCode traditional electronic deadbolt (lock/unlock, battery)
["4058075181472"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --LEDVANCE SMART+ panel 60 x 60cm tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["4058075208414"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --LEDVANCE SMART+ candle E14 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["4058075208339"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --LEDVANCE Flex 3P multicolor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Leedarson
["ZM350STW1TCF"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Leedarson LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["M350STW1"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Leedarson LED PAR16 50 GU10 (on/off, brightness)
["A806S-Q1G"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Leedarson LED E27 color (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["A806S-Q1R"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Leedarson LED E27 tunable white (on/off, brightness)
["ZA806SQ1TCF"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Leedarson LED E27 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["6ARCZABZH"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Leedarson 4-Key Remote Controller (on/off, brightness up/down and click/hold/release, cct)
["6xy-M350ST-W1Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Leedarson PAR16 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["5AA-SS-ZA-H0"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"illuminance_lux"}}, --Leedarson Motion sensor (occupancy, illuminance)
-- Legrand
["067776"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Legrand Netatmo wired shutter switch (open, close, stop, position, tilt)
["067773"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Legrand Wireless remote switch (action)
["067774"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Legrand Wireless double remote switch (action)
["067694"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Legrand Remote toggle switch (action)
["067771"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Legrand Wired switch without neutral (on/off, brightness)
["067775"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Legrand Power socket with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement)
["064888"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Legrand Wired micromodule switch (on/off)
["064873"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Legrand Home & away switch / master switch (action)
["412015"] = {sensor={"power"}}, --Legrand DIN power consumption module (power measurement, consumption alerts)
["752189"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Legrand Night/day wireless switch (action)
-- Leviton
["DL15S-1BZ"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Leviton Lumina RF 15A switch, 120/277V (on/off)
-- LifeControl
["MCLH-07"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --LifeControl Water leak switch (water leak)
["MCLH-04"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --LifeControl Door sensor (contact)
["MCLH-02"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --LifeControl RGB LED lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["MCLH-03"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --LifeControl Power plug (on/off, power measurement)
["MCLH-05"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --LifeControl Motion sensor (occupancy)
["MCLH-08"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --LifeControl Air sensor (voc, eco2, temperature, humidity)
-- Linkind
["ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Linkind Zigbee LED 9W A19 bulb, dimmable & tunable (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Linkind Zigbee LED 5.4W C35 bulb E14, dimmable & tunable (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ZL1000701-27-EU-V1A02"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Linkind Zigbee A60 filament bulb 6.3W (on/off, brightness)
["ZL1000700-22-EU-V1A02"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Linkind Zigbee A60 led filament, dimmable warm light (2200K), E27. 4.2W, 420lm (on/off, brightness)
["ZS1100400-IN-V1A02"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Linkind PIR motion sensor, wireless motion detector (occupancy)
["ZS110050078"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Linkind Door/window Sensor (contact)
["ZS232000178"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Linkind 1-key remote control (action)
-- LivingWise
["LVS-ZB500D"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --LivingWise ZigBee smart dimmer switch (on/off, brightness)
["LVS-ZB15S"] = {switch={"state"}}, --LivingWise ZigBee smart in-wall switch (on/off)
["LVS-SM10ZW"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --LivingWise Door or window contact switch (contact)
["LVS-SN10ZW_SN11"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --LivingWise Occupancy sensor (occupancy)
["LVS-ZB15R"] = {switch={"state"}}, --LivingWise Zigbee smart outlet (on/off)
["LVS-SC7"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --LivingWise Scene controller (action)
-- Livolo
["TI0001"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Livolo Zigbee switch (1 and 2 gang) work in progress (on/off)
["TI0001-switch"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Livolo New Zigbee Switch work in progress (on/off)
["TI0001-socket"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Livolo New Zigbee Socket work in progress (on/off)
-- Lonsonho
["X711A"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Lonsonho 1 gang switch (on/off)
["X712A"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Lonsonho 2 gang switch (on/off)
["X713A"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3"}}, --Lonsonho 3 gang switch (on/off)
["QS-Zigbee-D02-TRIAC-LN"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Lonsonho 1 gang smart dimmer switch module with neutral (on/off, brightness)
["QS-Zigbee-D02-TRIAC-2C-LN"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Lonsonho 2 gang smart dimmer switch module with neutral (on/off, brightness)
["4000116784070"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Lonsonho Smart plug EU (on/off)
["QS-Zigbee-S04-2C-LN"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Lonsonho 2 gang switch module with neutral wire (on/off)
["TS0041"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Lonsonho Wireless switch with 1 button (white-label of TuYa TS0041) (action)
["TS0042"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Lonsonho Wireless switch with 2 buttons (white-label of TuYa TS0042) (action)
["TS0043"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Lonsonho Wireless switch with 3 buttons (white-label of TuYa TS0043) (action)
["X701"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Lonsonho 1 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0001) (on/off)
["X702"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Lonsonho 2 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0002) (on/off)
["QS-Zigbee-S05-L"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Lonsonho 1 gang smart switch module without neutral wire (white-label of TuYa TS0011) (on/off)
-- Lupus
["12031"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Lupus Roller shutter (open/close)
["LS12128"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Lupus Roller shutter (open/close)
["12050"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Lupus LUPUSEC mains socket with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
["12126"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Lupus 1 chanel relay (on/off)
["12127"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Lupus 2 chanel relay (on/off)
-- Lutron
["LZL4BWHL01"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Lutron Connected bulb remote control (on/off, brightness)
["Z3-1BRL"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Lutron Aurora smart bulb dimmer (brightness)
["ML-ST-D200"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --M-ELEC Stitchy Dim switchable wall module (on/off, brightness)
-- Meazon
["MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Meazon Bizy plug meter (on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature)
["MEAZON_DINRAIL"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Meazon DinRail 1-phase meter (on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature)
-- Moes
["ZK-EU-2U"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Moes ZigBee3.0 dual USB wireless socket plug (on/off)
["MS-104Z-1"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Moes Smart light switch module (1 gang) (white-label of TuYa TS0121_switch) (on/off)
-- Müller Licht
["404000/404005/404012"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Müller Licht Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["404006/404008/404004"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Müller Licht Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["44435"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Müller Licht Tint LED Stripe, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["404028"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Müller Licht Tint LED Panel, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["MLI-404011"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Müller Licht Tint remote control (action; multi-group actions are not supported yet!)
["404021"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Müller Licht Tint smart switch (on/off)
["404037"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Müller Licht Tint retro filament LED-bulb E27, Edison bulb gold, white+ambiance (1800-6500K), dimmable, 5,5W (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["404031"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Müller Licht Tint Armaro (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["N2G-SP"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --NET2GRID White Net2Grid power outlet switch with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
-- Namron
["4512700"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Namron ZigBee dimmer 400W (on/off, brightness)
["4512704"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Namron Zigbee switch 400W (on/off)
["1402755"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Namron ZigBee LED dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["4512703"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Namron Zigbee 4 channel switch K8 (white) (action)
["4512721"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Namron Zigbee 4 channel switch K8 (black) (action)
["4512702"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Namron Zigbee 1 channel switch K4 (action)
["4512706"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Namron Remote control (action)
-- Nanoleaf
["NL08-0800"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Nanoleaf Smart Ivy Bulb E27 (on/off, brightness)
-- Neo
["NAS-AB02B0"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Neo Temperature & humidity sensor and alarm (temperature, humidity, alarm)
-- Netvox
["Z809A"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Netvox Power socket with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement)
-- Niko
["170-33505"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Niko Connected socket outlet (on/off, power measurement)
["91004"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Niko Friends of Hue switch (white-label of GreenPower GreenPower_On_Off_Switch) (action)
-- Ninja Blocks
["Z809AF"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Ninja Blocks Zigbee smart plug with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
-- Nordtronic
["98425031"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Nordtronic Box Dimmer 2.0 (on/off, brightness)
["98423051"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nordtronic Zigbee switch 400W (on/off)
-- Norklmes
["MKS-CM-W5"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4"}}, --Norklmes 1, 2, 3 or 4 gang switch (on/off)
-- Nue / 3A
["LXN59-2S7LX1.0"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light relay - 2 gang (on/off)
["HGZB-1S"] = {sensor={"click","action"},switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart 1 key scene wall switch (on/off, click, action)
["HGZB-02S"] = {sensor={"click","action"},switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart 2 key scene wall switch (on/off, click, action)
["HGZB-045"] = {sensor={"click","action"},switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart 4 key scene wall switch (on/off, click, action)
["LXZB-02A"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light controller (on/off, brightness)
["HGZB-43"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom","state_center"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 3 gang v2.0 (on/off)
["HGZB-043"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom","state_center"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 3 gang (on/off)
["HGZB-44"] = {switch={"state_top_left","state_top_right","state_bottom_left","state_bottom_right"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 4 gang v2.0 (on/off)
["HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart dimmer wall switch (on/off, brightness)
["HGZB-042"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["HGZB-42"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 2 gang v2.0 (on/off)
["HGZB-20A"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Power plug (on/off)
["HGZB-41"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart one gang wall switch (on/off)
["MG-AUWS01"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart Double GPO (on/off)
["XY12S-15"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light controller RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HGZB-01A"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart in-wall switch (on/off)
["HGZB-02A"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart light controller (on/off, brightness)
["HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart switch 1 or 2 gang (on/off)
["HGZB-06A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Nue / 3A Smart 7W E27 light bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HGZB-20-UK"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Nue / 3A Power plug (on/off)
["HGZB-DLC4-N12B"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Nue / 3A RGB LED downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HGZB-14A"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Nue / 3A Water leakage sensor (water leak)
-- Nyce
["NCZ-3011-HA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Nyce Door/window sensor (contact)
["NCZ-3043-HA"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Nyce Ceiling motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature)
["NCZ-3041-HA"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Nyce Wall motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature)
["NCZ-3045-HA"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Nyce Curtain motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature)
["CR11S8UZ"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --ORVIBO Smart sticker switch (click, hold, release)
["T18W3Z"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3"}}, --ORVIBO Neutral smart switch 3 gang (on/off)
["SM10ZW"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --ORVIBO Door or window contact switch (contact)
["RL804QZB"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3"}}, --ORVIBO Multi-functional 3 gang relay (on/off)
["ST20"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --ORVIBO Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["ST21"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --ORVIBO Temperature & humidity Sensor (temperature and humidity)
["T30W3Z"] = {switch={"state_top","state_center","state_bottom"}}, --ORVIBO Smart light switch - 3 gang (on/off)
["T21W2Z"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --ORVIBO Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["T21W1Z"] = {switch={"state"}}, --ORVIBO Smart light switch - 1 gang (on/off)
["W40CZ"] = {cover={"position"}}, --ORVIBO Smart curtain motor (open, close, stop, position)
["R11W2Z"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --ORVIBO In wall switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["R20W2Z"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --ORVIBO In wall switch - 2 gang (on/off)
["SN10ZW"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --ORVIBO Occupancy sensor (occupancy)
["SW21"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --ORVIBO Water leakage sensor (water leak)
["SE21"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --ORVIBO Smart emergency button (action)
["AM25"] = {cover={"position"}}, --ORVIBO Smart blind controller (open, close, stop, position)
["73699"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --OSRAM Gardenspot LED mini RGB (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["4058075816718"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ outdoor wall lantern RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["4058075816732"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ outdoor lantern RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AA69697"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Classic A60 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AC10787"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ classic E27 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AC03645"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED CLA60 E27 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AC03642"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ CLASSIC A 60 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AC08560"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ LED PAR16 GU10 (on/off, brightness)
["AC10786-DIM"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ classic E27 dimmable (on/off, brightness)
["AC03647"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ LED CLASSIC E27 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AA70155"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED A19 tunable white / Classic A60 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AA68199"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["4058075148338"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AB32840"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED Classic B40 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["4058075816794"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ Ceiling TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AC03641"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED Classic A60 clear (on/off, brightness)
["4052899926158"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY Surface Light TW (on/off, brightness)
["AB401130055"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM LIGHTIFY Surface Light LED Tunable White (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AB3257001NJ"] = {switch={"state"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ plug (on/off)
["AC10691"] = {switch={"state"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ plug (on/off)
["4052899926110"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Flex RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["4058075036185"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Outdoor Flex RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["4058075036147"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ gardenpole 8.7W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["4058075047853"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ gardenpole 4W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AC0363900NJ"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ mini gardenpole RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["4052899926127"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM Lightify mini gardenspot WT (on/off, brightness)
["AB35996"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ Spot GU10 Multicolor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AC08559"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ Spot GU10 Multicolor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["AC08562"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ Candle E14 Dimmable White (on/off, brightness)
["AC01353010G"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy","tamper"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ Motion Sensor (occupancy, tamper and temperature)
["AC03648"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM SMART+ spot GU5.3 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ switch mini (circle, up, down and hold/release)
["4058075816459"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --OSRAM Smart+ switch (action)
["ST8AU-CON"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --OSRAM OSRAM SubstiTUBE T8 Advanced UO Connected (on/off, brightness)
["595UGR22"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --OSRAM OSRAM LED panel TW 595 UGR22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Orvibo
["RL804CZB"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Orvibo Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT or RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Oujiabao
["CR701-YZ"] = {binary_sensor={"carbon_monoxide","gas"}}, --Oujiabao Gas and carbon monoxide alarm (gas and carbon monoxide)
-- PEQ
["3300-P"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --PEQ Door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature)
-- Paul Neuhaus
["100.462.31"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Q-REMOTE (action)
["NLG-CCT light"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Various color temperature lights (e.g. 100.424.11) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["NLG-TW light"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Various tunable white lights (e.g. 8195-55) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["NLG-RGBW light "] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Various RGBW lights (e.g. 100.110.39) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["NLG-RGBW light"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Various RGBW lights (e.g. 100.111.57) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["NLG-RGB-TW light"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Various RGB + tunable white lights (e.g. 100.470.92) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["100.425.90"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Q-PLUG adapter plug with night orientation light (on/off)
["100.110.51"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Q-FLAG LED panel, Smart-Home CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["100.075.74"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paul Neuhaus Q-VIDAL RGBW ceiling lamp, 6032-55 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Paulmann
["50043"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Cephei Switch Controller (on/off)
["50044/50045"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Dimmer or LED-stripe (on/off, brightness)
["500.47"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee MaxLED RGBW controller max. 72W 24V DC (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["50049"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Yourled RGB Controller (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["50064"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome led spot (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["371000001"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome led spot tuneable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["371000002"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Paulmann Amaris LED panels (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["798.15"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Pendulum Light Aptare (on/off, brightness)
["500.48"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee YourLED dim/switch controller max. 60 W (on/off, brightness)
["93999"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Paulmann Plug Shine Zigbee controller (on/off, brightness)
["500.67"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Paulmann RGB remote control (action)
-- Philips
["4034031P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Fair (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3306431P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Struana (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["1746130P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Attract (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1745630P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Nyro (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5900131C5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Aphelion downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["7299760PH"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Bloom (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["4090331P9"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Ensis (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["7146060PH"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Go (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290022411"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white single filament bulb A19 E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["929002039801"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white E12 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["929002277501"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A19 bulb E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["9290023349"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A67 bulb E26 with Bluetooth (1600 Lumen) (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["7602031P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Go with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718696167991"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Calla outdoor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718696170557"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Calla outdoor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1744130P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Econic outdoor Pedestal (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1743830P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Econic outdoor wall lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1743130P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Impress outdoor Pedestal (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["4090531P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Flourish white and color ambiance ceiling light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["929001953101"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290022268"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue White A19 bulb with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["8718699688820"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue Filament Standard A60/E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["548727"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance BR30 with bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["433714"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Lux A19 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290011370"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["8718699673147"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["9290018215"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A19 bulb E26 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["9290022169"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E27 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4090631P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Flourish white and color ambiance pendant light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718696449691"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue White Single bulb B22 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["9290018195"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white GU10 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["LWG004"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white GU10 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["8718699688882"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white Filament bulb G93 E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["7299355PH"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["915005106701"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip plus (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290018187B"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip Outdoor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718699703424"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip plus (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290022166"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290012573A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27/E14 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290002579A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718696485880"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["915005733701"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue White and color ambiance Play Lightbar (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["464800"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance BR30 flood light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["8718696695203"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E14 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290020399"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white E14 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["8718696598283"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["929001953301"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance GU10 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290019534"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance GU10 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290011998B"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E26 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290022167"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290022267"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["8718696548738"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance E26/E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["915005587401"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Adore light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3402831P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance bathroom mirror light Adore (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3435011P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance bathroom ceiling light Adore (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4503848C5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Muscari pendant light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["5996411U5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance 5/6” retrofit recessed downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4090130P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Sana (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["3261030P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Being (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4098430P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Being Pendant (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3261331P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Still (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4096730U7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue Cher ceiling light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3216131P5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle square panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3216131P6"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle square panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3216331P5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["3216431P5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle round panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4033930P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance suspension Fair (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["4023330P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance suspension Amaze (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["9290011370B"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["046677476816"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white PAR38 outdoor (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["7199960PH"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Iris (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1742930P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue outdoor Impress wall lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1743030P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue outdoor Impress wall lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1743230P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue outdoor Impress lantern (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1746430P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue outdoor Resonate wall lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["7099930PH"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Iris (Generation 2) (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["4080248P9"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Signe floor light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["4080148P9"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Signe table light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5062131P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambience Argenta spot (1 spot) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5062231P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambience Argenta spot (2 spots) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5062331P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambience Argenta spot (3 spots) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5062431P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue white and color ambience Argenta spot (4 spots) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["5045148P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Centura (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["324131092621"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Philips Hue dimmer switch (on/off, brightness, up/down/hold/release, click count)
["8718699693985"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Philips Hue smart button (action)
["9290012607"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature","illuminance_lux"}}, --Philips Hue motion sensor (occupancy, temperature, illuminance)
["9290019758"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature","illuminance_lux"}}, --Philips Hue motion outdoor sensor (occupancy, temperature, illuminance)
["929002240401"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Philips Hue smart plug - EU (on/off)
["046677552343"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Philips Hue smart plug bluetooth (on/off)
["9290022408"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Philips Hue smart plug - AU (on/off)
["7099860PH"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips LivingColors Aura (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["3216231P5"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior)
["8718696170625"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue Fuzo outdoor wall light (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["17436/30/P7"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue Welcome white flood light (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["17435/30/P7"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Discover white and color ambiance flood light (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1746330P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Appear outdoor wall light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["1741830P7"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Lily outdoor spot light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["9290022891"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Lily outdoor led strip (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["929002241201"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white filament Edison E27 LED (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["046677551780"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Philips Hue white filament Edison ST19 LED (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior)
["3115331PH"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Phoenix light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["7121131PU"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Philips Hue Beyond white and color ambiance suspension light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior)
["8718696743133"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Philips Hue Tap (white-label of GreenPower GreenPower_On_Off_Switch) (action)
-- Piri
["HSIO18008"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --Piri Combustible gas sensor (white-label of HEIMAN HS1CG-E) (gas)
-- Plugwise
["160-01"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Plugwise Plug power socket on/off with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement)
-- RGB Genie
["ZGRC-KEY-013"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --RGB Genie 3 Zone remote and dimmer (click, action)
["ROB_200-004-0"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --ROBB ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["ROB_200-003-0"] = {switch={"state"}}, --ROBB Zigbee AC in wall switch (on/off)
["ROB_200-014-0"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --ROBB ZigBee AC phase-cut rotary dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["ROB_200-007-0"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --ROBB Zigbee 8 button wall switch (action)
["ROB_200-008-0"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --ROBB Zigbee 4 button wall switch (action)
["ROB_200-010-0"] = {cover={"position"}}, --ROBB Zigbee curtain motor controller (open, close, stop, position)
["BASICZBR3"] = {switch={"state"}}, --SONOFF Zigbee smart switch (on/off)
["S31ZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --SONOFF Zigbee smart plug (US version) (on/off)
["SNZB-04"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --SONOFF Contact sensor (contact)
["SNZB-01"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --SONOFF Wireless button (single, double, long)
["SNZB-02"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --SONOFF Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["SNZB-03"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --SONOFF Motion sensor (occupancy)
-- Salus Controls
["SPE600"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Salus Controls Smart plug (EU socket) (on/off, power measurement)
["SP600"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Salus Controls Smart plug (UK socket) (on/off, power measurement)
-- Samotech
["SM308"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Samotech Zigbee AC in wall switch (on/off)
["SM309"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Samotech ZigBee dimmer 400W (on/off, brightness)
["SM301Z"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Samotech PIR sensor (white-label of TuYa RH3040) (occupancy)
["SM311"] = {sensor={"power"},light={"brightness"}}, --Samotech ZigBee knob smart dimmer (white-label of Sunricher ZG2835RAC) (on/off, brightness, power measurements)
-- Schlage
["BE468"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Schlage Connect smart deadbolt (lock/unlock, battery)
-- Schneider Electric
["U202DST600ZB"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Schneider Electric EZinstall3 2 gang 2x300W dimmer module (on/off, brightness)
["U201DST600ZB"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Schneider Electric EZinstall3 1 gang 550W dimmer module (on/off, brightness)
["U201SRY2KWZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Schneider Electric Ulti 240V 9.1 A 1 gang relay switch impress switch module, amber LED (on/off)
["U202SRY2KWZB"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Schneider Electric Ulti 240V 9.1 A 2 gangs relay switch impress switch module, amber LED (on/off)
-- Schwaiger
["ZHS-15"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Schwaiger Power socket on/off with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement)
-- Securifi
["PP-WHT-US"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Securifi Peanut Smart Plug (on/off, power measurement)
["B01M7Y8BP9"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Securifi Almond Click multi-function button (single, double and long click)
-- Sengled
["E12-N1E"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sengled Smart LED multicolor (BR30) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["E11-G13"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element Classic (A19) (on/off, brightness)
["E11-G23/E11-G33"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element Classic (A60) (on/off, brightness)
["E11-N13/E11-N13A/E11-N14/E11-N14A"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element extra bright (A19) (on/off, brightness)
["Z01-CIA19NAE26"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element Touch (A19) (on/off, brightness)
["Z01-A19NAE26"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sengled Element Plus (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["Z01-A60EAE27"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sengled Element Plus (A60) (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["E11-N1EA"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sengled Element Plus Color (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["E11-U2E"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sengled Element color plus E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["E11-U3E"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sengled Element color plus B22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["E12-N14"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element Classic (BR30) (on/off, brightness)
["E1ACA4ABE38A"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sengled Element downlight smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness)
["E1D-G73WNA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Sengled Smart window and door sensor (contact)
["E1C-NB6"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Sengled Smart plug (on/off)
["E1E-G7F"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Sengled Smart switch (action)
-- Sercomm
["SZ-ESW01"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Sercomm Telstra smart plug (on/off, power consumption)
["SZ-ESW01-AU"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Sercomm Telstra smart plug (on/off, power consumption)
["XHS2-SE"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Sercomm Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature)
["SZ-DWS04"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Sercomm Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact)
["AL-PIR02"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy","tamper"}}, --Sercomm PIR motion sensor (occupancy)
-- Shenzhen Homa
["HLD812-Z-SC"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Shenzhen Homa Smart LED driver (on/off, brightness)
["HLC610-Z"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Shenzhen Homa Wireless dimmable controller (on/off, brightness)
["HLC821-Z-SC"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Shenzhen Homa ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["HLC614-ZLL"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3"}}, --Shenzhen Homa 3 channel relay module (on/off)
["HLC833-Z-SC"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Shenzhen Homa Wireless dimmable controller (on/off, brightness)
-- Sinope
["TH1123ZB"] = {sensor={"power"}}, --Sinope Zigbee line volt thermostat (local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time)
["SW2500ZB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Sinope Zigbee smart light switch (on/off)
["DM2500ZB"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sinope Zigbee smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["WL4200"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Sinope Zigbee smart water leak detector (water leak)
-- Smart Home Pty
["HGZB-07A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Smart Home Pty RGBW Downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HGZB-20-DE"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Smart Home Pty Power plug (on/off)
-- Smart9
["S9ZGBRC01"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Smart9 Smart remote controller (action)
["S9TSZGB"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Smart9 Wireless switch with 3 buttons (white-label of TuYa TS0043) (action)
-- SmartThings
["STSS-MULT-001"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (contact)
["3325-S"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Motion sensor (2015 model) (occupancy and temperature)
["3321-S"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Multi Sensor (2015 model) (contact and temperature)
["F-APP-UK-V2"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --SmartThings Zigbee Outlet UK with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
["GP-WOU019BBDWG"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --SmartThings Outlet with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
["IM6001-OTP05"] = {switch={"state"}}, --SmartThings Outlet (on/off)
["STS-OUT-US-2"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --SmartThings Zigbee smart plug with power meter (on/off, power measurement)
["IM6001-MTP01"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Motion sensor (2018 model) (occupancy and temperature)
["STS-IRM-251"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Motion sensor (2017 model) (occupancy and temperature)
["STS-IRM-250"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Motion sensor (2016 model) (occupancy and temperature)
["3305-S"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Motion sensor (2014 model) (occupancy and temperature)
["3300-S"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Door sensor (contact and temperature)
["F-MLT-US-2"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (2016 model) (contact)
["IM6001-MPP01"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (2018 model) (contact)
["3310-S"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --SmartThings Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["3315-S"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Water sensor (water and temperature)
["WTR-UK-V2"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Water leak sensor (2015 model) (water and temperature)
["IM6001-WLP01"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Water leak sensor (2018 model) (water leak and temperature)
["STS-WTR-250"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Water leak sensor (2016 model) (water leak)
["3315-G"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --SmartThings Water sensor (water and temperature)
["IM6001-BTP01"] = {sensor={"click","action","temperature"}}, --SmartThings Button (single, double and hold click, temperature)
["GP-LBU019BBAWU"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --SmartThings Smart bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- Smartenit
["4040B"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Smartenit Wireless metering 30A dual-load switch/controller (on/off, power measurements)
["ZBHT-1"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Smartenit Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
-- Somgoms
["ZSTY-SM-1CTZG-US-W"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Somgoms Curtain switch (open, close, stop, position)
["ZSTY-SM-1DMZG-US-W"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Somgoms Dimmer switch (on/off, brightness)
-- Sunricher
["SR-ZG9001T4-DIM-EU"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Sunricher Zigbee wireless touch dimmer switch (action)
["ZG192910-4"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sunricher Zigbee LED-controller (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ZG9101SAC-HP"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sunricher ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Sunricher Zigbee AC in wall switch (on/off)
["ZG2835RAC"] = {sensor={"power"},light={"brightness"}}, --Sunricher ZigBee knob smart dimmer (on/off, brightness, power measurements)
["SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Sunricher Zigbee 4 button wall switch (white-label of ROBB ROB_200-008-0) (action)
-- Swann
["SWO-KEF1PA"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Swann Key fob remote (panic, home, away, sleep)
["SWO-WDS1PA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Swann Window/door sensor (contact)
["SWO-MOS1PA"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Swann Motion and temperature sensor (occupancy)
-- Sylvania
["73743"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Sylvania Lightify Smart Dimming Switch (up, down and hold/release)
["73742"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white RT 5/6 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["73741"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable color RT 5/6 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["73740"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["73739"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED RGBW BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["73693"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED RGBW A19 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["73773"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sylvania SMART+ Flex XL RGBW strip (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["74283"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 (on/off, brightness)
["74696"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 (on/off, brightness)
["72922-A"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Sylvania SMART+ Smart Plug (on/off)
["71831"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania Smart Home adjustable white A19 LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["74282"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania Smart Home adjustable white MR16 LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["LTFY004"] = {light={"brightness","xy"}}, --Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED gardenspot mini RGB (on/off, brightness, color xy)
["74580"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sylvania Smart Home soft white PAR38 outdoor bulb (on/off, brightness)
["72569"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit under cabinet light (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["72567"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Sylvania SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit flush mount light (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["75541"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Sylvania SMART+ Outdoor Accent RGB lighting kit (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["484719"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Sylvania Dimmable soft white BR30 LED flood light bulb (on/off, brightness)
-- TCI
["676-00301024955Z"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --TCI Dash L DC Volare (on/off, brightness)
["151570"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --TCI LED driver for wireless control (60 watt) (on/off, brightness)
["TERNCY-DC01"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --TERNCY Temperature & contact sensor (temperature, contact)
["TERNCY-PP01"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"},sensor={"temperature","illuminance_lux","click","action"}}, --TERNCY Awareness switch (temperature, occupancy, illuminance, click, double click, triple click)
["TERNCY-SD01"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --TERNCY Knob smart dimmer (single, double and triple click, rotate)
["GDKES-01TZXD"] = {switch={"state"}}, --TUYATEC Smart light switch - 1 gang without neutral wire (white-label of TuYa TS0011) (on/off)
["GDKES-02TZXD"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --TUYATEC Smart light switch - 2 gang without neutral wire (white-label of TuYa TS0012) (on/off)
["GDKES-03TZXD"] = {switch={"state_left","state_center","state_right"}}, --TUYATEC Smart light switch - 3 gang without neutral wire (white-label of TuYa TS0013) (on/off)
-- Third Reality
["3RSS008Z"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Third Reality RealitySwitch Plus (on/off, battery)
["3RSS007Z"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Third Reality Smart light switch (on/off)
["3RSL011Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Third Reality Smart light A19 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["3RSL012Z"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Third Reality Smart light BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
-- Titan Products
["TPZRCO2HT-Z3"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Titan Products Room CO2, humidity & temperature sensor (temperature, humidity and co2)
-- Trust
["ZWLD-100"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Trust Water leakage detector (water leak)
["ZYCT-202"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Trust Remote control (on, off, stop, up-press, down-press)
["ZLED-2709"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Trust Smart Dimmable LED Bulb (on/off, brightness)
["ZLED-TUNE9"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Trust Smart tunable LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ZPIR-8000"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Trust Motion Sensor (occupancy)
["ZCTS-808"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Trust Wireless contact sensor (contact)
-- TuYa
["TS0215A"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --TuYa SOS button (action)
["TS0502A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --TuYa Light controller (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["TS0201"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --TuYa Temperature & humidity sensor with display (temperature and humidity)
["TS0041"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --TuYa Wireless switch with 1 button (action)
["TS0042"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --TuYa Wireless switch with 2 buttons (action)
["TS0043"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --TuYa Wireless switch with 3 buttons (action)
["TS0001"] = {switch={"state"}}, --TuYa 1 gang switch (on/off)
["TS0002"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --TuYa 2 gang switch (on/off)
["TS0601_curtain"] = {cover={"position"}}, --TuYa Curtain motor (open, close, stop, position)
["TS0121_switch"] = {switch={"state"}}, --TuYa Smart light switch module (1 gang) (on/off)
["TS0121_plug"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --TuYa 10A UK or 16A EU smart plug (on/off)
["mcdj3aq"] = {cover={"position"}}, --TuYa Tubular motor (open, close, stop, position)
["RH3040"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --TuYa PIR sensor (occupancy)
["TS0115"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4","state_l5"}}, --TuYa Multiprise with 4 AC outlets and 2 USB super charging ports (10A or 16A) (on/off)
["TT001ZAV20"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --TuYa Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["TS0011"] = {switch={"state"}}, --TuYa Smart light switch - 1 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["TS0012"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --TuYa Smart light switch - 2 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["TS0013"] = {switch={"state_left","state_center","state_right"}}, --TuYa Smart light switch - 3 gang without neutral wire (on/off)
["gq8b1uv"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --TuYa Zigbee smart dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["U86KCJ-ZP"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --TuYa Smart 6 key scene wall switch (action)
["SNTZ009"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --TuYa Water leak sensor (water leak)
["TS0004"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4"}}, --TuYa Smart light switch - 4 gang with neutral wire (on/off)
-- Ubisys
["S1"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Ubisys Power switch S1 (on/off, power measurement)
["S2"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Ubisys Power switch S2 (on/off, power measurement)
["D1"] = {sensor={"power"},light={"brightness"}}, --Ubisys Universal dimmer D1 (on/off, brightness, power measurement)
["J1"] = {sensor={"power"},cover={"position"}}, --Ubisys Shutter control J1 (open, close, stop, position, tilt)
["C4"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Ubisys Control unit C4 (action)
-- UseeLink
["SM-SO306E/K/M"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2","state_l3","state_l4","state_l5"}}, --UseeLink Multiprise with 4 AC outlets and 2 USB super charging ports (10A or 16A) (white-label of TuYa TS0115) (on/off)
-- Vimar
["14592.0"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Vimar 2-way switch IoT connected mechanism (on/off)
-- Visonic
["MP-841"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Visonic Motion sensor (occupancy)
["MCT-370 SMA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact)
["MCT-350 SMA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact)
["MCT-340 E"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature)
["MCT-340 SMA"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature)
-- Vrey
["VR-X712U-0013"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Vrey Smart light switch - 2 gang without neutral wire (white-label of TuYa TS0012) (on/off)
-- Wally
["U02I007C.01"] = {binary_sensor={"contact","water_leak"},sensor={"action","temperature","humidity"}}, --Wally WallyHome multi-sensor (action, contact, water leak, temperature, humidity)
-- Waxman
["8840100H"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"},sensor={"temperature"}}, --Waxman leakSMART water sensor v2 (water leak, temperature)
-- Weiser
["9GED18000-009"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Weiser SmartCode 10 (lock/unlock, battery, pin code programming)
["9GED21500-005"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Weiser SmartCode 10 Touch (lock/unlock, battery)
-- Xiaomi
["ZNLDP12LM"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["XDD12LM"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara Opple MX650 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["XDD13LM"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara Opple MX480 (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["WXKG01LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia wireless switch (single, double, triple, quadruple, many, long, long_release click)
["WXKG11LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara wireless switch (single, double click (and triple, quadruple, hold, release depending on model))
["WXKG12LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara wireless switch (with gyroscope) (single, double, shake, hold, release)
["WXKG03LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara single key wireless wall switch (single (and double, hold, release and long click depending on model))
["WXKG06LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 single key wireless wall switch (action)
["WXKG02LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara double key wireless wall switch (left, right, both click (and double, long click for left, right and both depending on model))
["WS-USC01"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara smart wall switch (no neutral, single rocker) (on/off)
["WS-USC02"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara smart wall switch (no neutral, double rocker) (on/off)
["WS-USC04"] = {switch={"state_top","state_bottom"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara smart wall switch (neutral, double rocker) (on/off)
["QBKG04LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara single key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn’t work as a router and doesn’t support power meter (release/hold, on/off)
["QBKG11LM"] = {sensor={"power","click","action","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara single key wired wall switch (on/off, power measurement)
["QBKG03LM"] = {sensor={"click","action","temperature"},switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara double key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn’t work as a router and doesn’t support power meter (release/hold, on/off, temperature)
["QBKG12LM"] = {sensor={"power","click","temperature","action"},switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara double key wired wall switch (on/off, power measurement, temperature)
["WXKG07LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 double key wireless wall switch (action)
["QBKG21LM"] = {sensor={"click","action"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 single gang smart wall switch (no neutral wire) (on/off, action)
["QBKG22LM"] = {sensor={"action","click"},switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 2 gang smart wall switch (no neutral wire) (on/off, action)
["QBKG25LM"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state_left","state_center","state_right"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 3 gang smart wall switch (no neutral wire) (on/off, action)
["QBKG23LM"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 1 gang smart wall switch (with neutral wire) (on/off, power measurement)
["QBKG24LM"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara D1 2 gang smart wall switch (with neutral wire) (on/off, power measurement)
["WSDCGQ01LM"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["WSDCGQ11LM"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor (temperature, humidity and pressure)
["WSDCGQ12LM"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor (temperature, humidity and pressure)
["RTCGQ01LM"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia human body movement sensor (occupancy)
["RTCGQ11LM"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor (occupancy and illuminance)
["MCCGQ01LM"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia door & window contact sensor (contact)
["MCCGQ11LM"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara door & window contact sensor (contact)
["SJCGQ11LM"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara water leak sensor (water leak true/false)
["SJCGQ12LM"] = {binary_sensor={"water_leak"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara water leak sensor (water leak true/false)
["MFKZQ01LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Mi/Aqara smart home cube (shake, wakeup, fall, tap, slide, flip180, flip90, rotate_left and rotate_right)
["ZNCZ02LM"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee (on/off, power measurement)
["ZNCZ03LM"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee TW (on/off, power measurement)
["ZNCZ04LM"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee EU (on/off, power measurement)
["ZNCZ12LM"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee US (on/off, power measurement)
["SP-EUC01"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara EU smart plug (on/off, power measurements (depends on firmware))
["QBCZ11LM"] = {sensor={"power"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara socket Zigbee (on/off, power measurement)
["JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW"] = {binary_sensor={"smoke"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia Honeywell smoke detector (smoke)
["JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW"] = {binary_sensor={"gas"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia gas leak detector (gas)
["DJT11LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor (drop, tilt and touch)
["DJT12LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor (action)
["ZNCLDJ11LM"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara curtain motor (open, close, stop, position)
["ZNCLDJ12LM"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara B1 curtain motor (open, close, stop, position)
["LLKZMK11LM"] = {sensor={"power","temperature"},switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara wireless relay controller (on/off, power measurement)
["ZNMS12LM"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara S2 lock (open, close, operation (reporting only))
["ZNMS13LM"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara S2 lock pro (open, close, operation (reporting only))
["ZNMS11LM"] = {sensor={"action"},switch={"state"}}, --Xiaomi Xiaomi Aqara smart lock (open, close, operation (reporting only))
["WXCJKG11LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 1 band (action)
["WXCJKG12LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 2 bands (action)
["WXCJKG13LM"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 3 bands (action)
["GZCGQ01LM"] = {sensor={"illuminance_lux"}}, --Xiaomi MiJia light intensity sensor (illuminance)
["ZNTGMK11LM"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara smart RGBW light controller (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HLQDQ01LM"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --Xiaomi Aqara zigbee LED-controller (on/off, brightness)
["50208695"] = {sensor={"power"},light={"brightness"}}, --YPHIX ZigBee knob smart dimmer (white-label of Sunricher ZG2835RAC) (on/off, brightness, power measurements)
["YSR-MINI-01"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --YSRSAI Zigbee LED controller (RGB+CCT) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["ZB-CT01"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --YSRSAI Zigbee LED controller (WW/CW) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
-- Yale
["YRD426NRSC"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD226HA2619"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD256HA20BP"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Assure lock SL (lock/unlock, battery)
["YMF40/YDM4109+"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Real living lock / Intelligent biometric digital lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD210-HA-605"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Real living keyless push button deadbolt lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRL-220L"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Real living keyless leveler lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD226/246 TSDB"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD220/YRD221"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Lockwood keyless push button deadbolt lock (lock/unlock, battery)
["YRD246HA20BP"] = {switch={"state"}}, --Yale Assure lock key free deadbolt with Zigbee (lock/unlock, battery)
-- Yushun
["YS-MT750"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Yushun Curtain motor (white-label of TuYa TS0601_curtain) (open, close, stop, position)
-- Zemismart
["LXZB-12A"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Zemismart RGB LED downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["HGZB-DLC4-N15B"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Zemismart RGB LED downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["ZM-CSW032-D"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Zemismart Curtain/roller blind switch (open, close, stop)
["ZM-L03E-Z"] = {switch={"state_left","state_center","state_right"}}, --Zemismart Smart light switch - 3 gang with neutral wire (on/off)
["ZM-CSW002-D"] = {switch={"state_l1","state_l2"}}, --Zemismart 2 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0002) (on/off)
["ZM79E-DT"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Zemismart Curtain motor (white-label of TuYa TS0601_curtain) (open, close, stop, position)
["ZM25TQ"] = {cover={"position"}}, --Zemismart Tubular motor (white-label of TuYa mcdj3aq) (open, close, stop, position)
["ZW-EU-02"] = {switch={"state_left","state_right"}}, --Zemismart Smart light relay - 2 gang (white-label of Nue / 3A LXN59-2S7LX1.0) (on/off)
-- Zipato
["rgbw2.zbee27"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp","xy"}}, --Zipato RGBW LED bulb with dimmer (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy)
["ED2004-012"] = {switch={"state"}}, Panda 1 - wall switch ( (on/off)
-- eWeLink
["SA-003-Zigbee"] = {switch={"state"}}, --eWeLink Zigbee smart plug (on/off)
["RHK06"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --eWeLink Contact sensor (white-label of SONOFF SNZB-04) (contact)
["RHK07"] = {sensor={"action"}}, --eWeLink Wireless button (white-label of SONOFF SNZB-01) (single, double, long)
["RHK08"] = {sensor={"temperature","humidity"}}, --eWeLink Temperature and humidity sensor (white-label of SONOFF SNZB-02) (temperature and humidity)
["RHK09"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --eWeLink Motion sensor (white-label of SONOFF SNZB-03) (occupancy)
-- eZEX
["ECW-100-A03"] = {switch={"state_top","state_center","state_bottom"}}, --eZEX Zigbee switch 3 gang (on/off)
-- iCasa
["ICZB-IW11D"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --iCasa ZigBee AC dimmer (on/off, brightness)
["ICZB-IW11SW"] = {switch={"state"}}, --iCasa Zigbee 3.0 AC switch (on/off)
["ICZB-KPD14S"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 4S (click, action, brightness, scenes)
["ICZB-KPD18S"] = {sensor={"click","action"}}, --iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 8S (click, action, brightness, scenes)
["ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125"] = {light={"brightness","color_temp"}}, --iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Filament Lamp 60/64/95/125 mm, 806 lumen, dimmable, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature)
["ICZB-R11D"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --iCasa Zigbee AC dimmer (on/off, brightness)
-- iHORN
["LH-32ZB"] = {sensor={"humidity","temperature"}}, --iHORN Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)
["LH-992ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --iHORN Motion sensor (occupancy)
["LH-990ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --iHORN PIR motion sensor (occupancy)
["HO-09ZB"] = {binary_sensor={"contact"}}, --iHORN Door or window contact switch (contact)
["LH-990F"] = {binary_sensor={"occupancy"}}, --iHORN PIR motion sensor (occupancy)
-- ilux
["900008-WW"] = {light={"brightness"}}, --ilux Dimmable A60 E27 LED Bulb (on/off, brightness)